Image Page on Italy, Greece, and Portugal

Include pictures, and at least one panorama image, and a webcam image from two different times.


  1. Landscapes
  2. Cities
  3. Landmarks
  4. Images of People
  5. Image from the book

1 Landscapes

Amalfi Coast, Italy

A picture containing water, outdoor, tree, nature

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Amalfi Coast, Italy, where the sea meets the rocky cliffs of mountains and steep hills. Cliffside mountains have been molded by the sea through water erosion, some are as tall as 500 feet. The coastline stretches about 30 miles long near the southern area of Italy. The vibrant blue waters are perfect to swim in throughout the 100 beaches along the coastline. The hills covered in vegetation attract hikers. The Amalfi Coast is a place high on my bucket list, it’s too beautiful not to see it at least once in my life.

The Dolomites, Italy

A picture containing mountain, sky, grass, outdoor

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The Dolomites, Italy. Known as the Dolomite Mountains or Dolomite Alps. This mountain range is in northeastern Italy. The shape of the mountain range and its peaks is what makes it unique. Some of the peaks reach almost eleven thousand feet above sea level. Below the mountain range are hills and valleys. The hills covered in trees and some valleys used for houses, but the surrounding areas are not very populated. The Dolomites are major ski and snowboard spots in the winter, and major hiking spots in the summer months.

Santorini, Greece

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The island of Santorini, Greece in the southern Aegean Sea. Santorini is a part of The Cyclades Islands in Greece. This islands unique, rugged landscape is due to a volcanic eruption in the 16th century – BC. Santorini’s shape is moon like because the island is at the center of a caldera, a volcanic depression. This creates steeps walls of the island on three sides. Steep walls make for good lookout spots and great views. The island is desert like, and meets the sea, creating perfect beaches.

Algarve, Portugal

A picture containing sky, outdoor, rock, nature

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Algarve, Portugal is located on the most southwestern tip of Portugal. The town has rocky cliffs along the coastline, as well as natural caves and rock cliff arches. There are so many cliffs due to slow deposition from the sea, and the rock material is vulnerable to water. They are limestone cliffs, causing them to be easily carved. There is also much marine diversity near the shores, like crustaceans. The sea blends from green to blue, making the waters unique and attractive to tourists.

2 Cities

Rome, Italy

A bridge over a river with a building in the background

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Rome, the historic capital of Italy. Rome is known for its beautiful architecture. As well as all of the historical landmarks that coat the city. Many people choose Rome when looking for romantic getaways because of the unique architecture, views, and history. As of 2022, there is about 4 million people living in Rome. While I’m not a huge fan of cities because there’s too many people, I think Rome is a “must see” if you visit Italy because of the history.

Positano, Italy

A panoramic picture of Positano, Italy. Positano is located on the Amalfi Coast, south of Naples. This is the number one place on my bucket list right now. It is a beach town, so you have the beach and sea on one side, and mountains on the other. The mountains allow for unique placements of buildings and homes. The homes are all beautiful, vibrant colors that light up the coastline. A little bit southwest of Positano is the beautiful island of Capri, a popular tourist destination that is also on my Italy bucket list.

Athens, Greece

A city with many buildings and a hill in the background

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Athens, Greece, another historic city. Athens holds the Acropolis and Parthenon, and many other historical, Ancient Greece landmarks. West of Athens is home to the stadium of the very first Olympic Games. Athens also has unique architecture, but different from Rome. Being on top of the Acropolis, looking down at Athens would be a real interesting site to see. Also, knowing the ancient Greeks buildings are still semi standing today is incredible, and a must see if you go to Greece.



Lisbon, Portugal

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Lisbon is the capital of Portugal. It is not as densely populated as Rome and has a bit smaller population. It is a hilly, coastal city, with the São Jorge Castle sitting atop the hill. The architecture in the city is different than Rome and Athens. Lots of roofs seem to be red, which is interesting. Many of the buildings along coasts in Portugal, not just Lisbon, have unique colors. The buildings all face the coastline, creating beautiful views throughout the city.

3 Landmarks

The Colosseum, Italy

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5:09 AM

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7:01 AM

The Colosseum, Italy. These live webcam screenshots were taken about 2 hours apart from each other. In the early one, it is noticeable that the Colosseum is very well lit compared to its surroundings. In the 7 AM picture, more colors become vibrant as the sun rises. The Colosseum is one of Rome’s most popular tourist destinations. Most definitely because of its history, and the amazing fact that it is still standing today. If you go to Italy, the Colosseum is a must-see destination.


The Parthenon, Athens, Greece

A picture containing outdoor, sky, building, grass

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The Parthenon sits on the hill of the Acropolis of Athens. It is a very popular tourist destination due to its history, especially the Greek mythology aspect. It is amazing how something so old is still standing. Obviously, they have done work to keep it standing, but it is still incredible. It was built between 447 and 438 BC. That was a very long time ago. It’s architecture, location, and history combine to make it one of Athens number one tourist destinations.

São Jorge Castle, Lisbon, Portugal

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The São Jorge Castle in Lisbon, Portugal. The castle sits at the very top of the hill in Lisbon. It is interesting that it sits on top of the city, almost like it watches over the city. It is has been well restored, due to the fact that it was built in the BC centuries. The castle offers tours, or simply just regular, nonscheduled visits. Although it does cost money to visit the castle. I have never seen a castle in real life before, besides the Disney castle, so this would be interesting to me.

Benagil Cave, Algarve, Portugal

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Benagil Cave, Algarve, Portugal. I have seen this cave in pictures before, but I never knew where it was. Algarve is located southwest of Lisbon, about a 2.5-hour drive. This is a natural cave in the small fishing village of Benagil. The village is home to many natural caves, not just this one. This cave is not far from the mainland, but it is not advised to swim to it. Many people use small boats or paddle boards to make it to the cave and explore.

4 Images of People

A Wave of Tourists in Rome

A large group of people gathered around a fountain in a city

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A wave of tourists at a fountain in Rome. Most of the time on social media, we never see how populated these places actually are. In reality, most popular tourist destinations look like this behind the camera. This picture describes what being a tourist can look like. Waiting in long lines to see something or big crowds of people, waiting your turn. It’s always important to remember when traveling, that big destinations can be busy and take longer than expected.

Soccer Celebration in Italy

A group of people holding flags

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People celebrating the soccer team of Italy. Many countries in Europe take soccer way more seriously than we do in the United States. These locals must be celebrating a win for Italy in front of the Milan Cathedral, Duomo di Milano. I am from an Italian family, so I know that Italians take their soccer seriously. It’s not soccer though, its fútbol. They also take their food seriously, even though it’s not pictured. It’s a fact that Italian food is some of the best food in the world, not being biased.,algorithm=dnn,width=806,height=605

Tourists in Athens

A group of people standing outside a building

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Tourists at the Parthenon on the Acropolis of Athens. This picture, again, shows how busy these tourist destinations can be. Many people in the picture are taking pictures of themselves, friends, or the building itself. This is what any typical tourist destination looks like, in terms of people. It will be busy unless you go at slower times. So when you go to popular tourist destinations at busy times, remember to be prepared to wait to get your picture taken.

People in the Streets of Portugal

A crowd of people walking on a street

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This is a picture of a crowd of people walking through the streets in Portugal. There is no indication there is a festival of some sort. This is not a common site to see in the United States if there is no celebration or festival. Many people in Europe walk to destinations. I would do the same if our gas was over eight dollars a gallon. Although, walking to destinations in the United States is not very common outside of big cities like New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago.

5 Image from the Book


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My book highlights the Roman Forum, some famous historical sites that many people take tours of in Rome. The book also does this for other big cities in different countries. It has an outline and key for places in Greece and Portugal, (Lonely Planet).

Submitted by Hailey Miller on 4/1/2022.